#1661465: Tabletop to Reality: Building Cyber-Resilience Through Incident Response Drills

Description: In today's threat landscape, the speed and effectiveness of your incident response can mean the difference between a minor setback and a catastrophic breach. Tabletop exercises aren't just practice—they're essential in exposing vulnerabilities, refining your strategy, and ensuring your team is battle-ready when the real-world strikes.

CISOs and security leaders must prioritize these exercises to pinpoint gaps, boost response times, and foster coordination across cross-functional teams.
More info: https://pages.cyberriskalliance.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?email=MTg4LVVOWi02NjAAAAGYCnCM3TOG_p9JEHjcT63TnQwWn6GnntK0mCITwfJMRvDteflskdPH6zHFPOwAs7eOeqcOMi3YlqgngWvkMkeLBz_-4T9WAu4WOA

Date added Jan. 15, 2025, 9:18 p.m.
Source cyberriskalliance
  • Incident Response / Incident Handling
  • PodCasts / Webcast / Webinar / eSummit / Virtual Event etc.
  • Security Management/Strategic Security/ROI/ROSI
Venue March 6, 2025, midnight - March 6, 2025, midnight